About me.


Hi, I’m Tabetha Gravelle. I am a massage and myofascial release therapist serving clients from Turn North Salon & Spa in Detroit Lakes, Mn.

My passion

For the last 24 years as a massage therapist, my passion has been to help people with pain, stress relief and self-care.

I have historically specialized in deep tissue, prenatal, relaxation and cupping massage. In 2021, I added myofascial release to my treatment options. I traveled to take courses offered by John F. Barnes. Myofascial release is a special healing approach for chronic pain and emotional trauma that can be trapped in the body.

Ask me about my specialties.

If you would like to know more about me and my therapeutic services, reach out!

Complete the form and I will do my absolute best to respond within 48 hours.

Start feeling better, today.