Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release finds the cause of our issues while treating the neuromuscular symptoms of our body and restless mind.

MFR is a special healing approach for chronic pain and also emotional trauma that can be trapped in the body. Addressing those issues can make your life more enjoyable!

Release and revive.


What is fascia?

Fascia is tough connective tissue which spreads throughout the entire body in a 3-dimensional web from head to toe. Every organ, bone, muscle, nerve, artery, tissue and cell of the body is surrounded by fascia.

What are fascial restrictions?

Trauma, inflammation, injury and bad posture can create a binding down on the fascia causing pressure on our nerves, muscles, blood vessels and organs. The tissues become shortened and solidify, causing pain in the body. It is believed a high percentage of people have fascial restrictions, but most go undiagnosed as x-rays, CT scans, etc. do not show fascial restrictions.

What exactly is Myofascial Release (MFR)?

MFR consists of a technique of gentle, sustained pressure applied on the body into the fascial connective tissue. This releases fascial restrictions, eliminating pain and restoring motion. Each treatment is performed directly on the skin without oil. This allows for the therapist to feel the fascial restrictions.

What happens when the fascia releases?

When the fascia releases, it can feel like taffy stretching or butter melting. A client may also notice sensations of hot/cold or tingling. In addition, a patient can experience spontaneous/involuntary motion of the body as the tissue and nervous system releases stored trauma. This is called “unwitching” and will be explained in more detail during a session. Drinking water after a session is important for detoxing.

Why is this therapy so beneficial?

The fascinating aspect of MFR is the potential for an emotional release from past trauma held in the body. Trauma can cause anxiety, PTSD or even manifest as physical pain in the body.

Ready for release?

If you are ready to learn more about Myofascial Release, book an exploratory session or schedule a therapy appointment, please use the button to send me an email.